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Karambar Lake

Karambar Lake

If you’re looking for a place to get away from the chaos and noise of the city and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Pakistan, Karambar Lake is the perfect destination for you. Located in the northern areas of Pakistan, Karambar Lake is one of the highest alpine lakes in the world, at an altitude of 14,121 feet above sea level. In this blog, we’ll explore everything you need to know, including how to get there, what to do, and what makes this destination so special.

Getting to Karambar Lake

Getting to Karambar is not an easy task, but it’s worth the effort. The closest city to Karambar is Gilgit, which can be reached by air or by road. From Gilgit, you can hire a jeep to take you to the village of Baroghil, which is the starting point of the trek.


The trek to Karambar Lake is a challenging one, but the breathtaking views make it worth the effort. The trek is about 35 miles long and takes about 4-5 days to complete. Along the way, you’ll cross several mountain passes, including the highest pass, Shuyinbar Pass, at an altitude of 16,896 feet. You’ll also walk through beautiful valleys and see wildlife such as Marco Polo sheep and ibex.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit is from June to September when the weather is pleasant and the snow has melted, making the trekking path accessible. However, keep in mind that the weather in the northern areas of Pakistan can be unpredictable, and it’s always a good idea to check the weather forecast before embarking on your journey.


Camping at Karambar Lake is an unforgettable experience. The lake is surrounded by mountains and green meadows, making it a perfect place to set up your tent and spend the night under the stars. However, keep in mind that camping at high altitudes can be challenging due to the low oxygen levels, so make sure to bring proper gear and acclimatize properly.


Karambar Lake is home to several species of wildlife, including Marco Polo sheep, ibex, snow leopards, and Himalayan bears. You may also see birds such as golden eagles and Himalayan snowcocks.

Surrounding Mountains

Karambar Lake is surrounded by several majestic mountains, including Noshaq, the highest mountain in Afghanistan, and the Hindu Kush range. The mountains offer breathtaking views and make the trek even more challenging and rewarding.


Aside from trekking and camping, there are several other activities you can do at Karambar Lake. You can go fishing in the lake, which is home to trout and other fish species. You can also explore the surrounding areas and visit nearby villages to learn about the local culture and traditions.

Local Culture

The area around Karambar Lake is home to several indigenous communities, including the Wakhi and Kyrgyz people. These communities have a rich culture and a unique way of life that has been preserved for centuries. Visiting the local communities and interacting with the people is a great way to learn about their culture, traditions, and way of life.

What to Pack

When packing for Karambar Lake, it’s essential to bring proper gear and equipment to ensure a safe and comfortable trek. Some of the essential items to pack include:

  • Warm and waterproof clothing
  • Sturdy and comfortable hiking boots
  • Sleeping bag and tent
  • First aid kit
  • Trekking poles
  • Sunscreen and sunglasses
  • Water bottles and water purification tablets
  • Snacks and high-energy foods

Safety Tips

Trekking to Karambar Lake can be challenging and potentially dangerous, so it’s essential to take proper safety measures. Some safety tips to keep in mind include:

  • Acclimatize properly before starting the trek
  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water
  • Stay on the designated trekking path and avoid shortcuts
  • Be prepared for sudden weather changes
  • Carry a map and a compass and know how to use them
  • Inform someone of your itinerary and expected return time


There are no accommodations near Karambar Lake, and camping is the only option for staying overnight. However, there are several accommodations available in Gilgit, where you can stay before and after your trek.


Karambar Lake is a hidden gem in the northern areas of Pakistan, offering breathtaking views, challenging trekking routes, and a unique cultural experience. While the trek may be challenging, the reward of reaching the lake and spending the night under the stars is truly unforgettable. If you’re up for an adventure and want to explore the natural beauty of Pakistan, Karambar Lake is a must-visit destination.


Is it safe to trek to Karambar Lake?

Trekking to Karambar Lake can be challenging and potentially dangerous, but with proper safety measures, it can be a safe and enjoyable experience.

How long does it take to trek to Karambar Lake?

The trek to Karambar Lake is about 35 miles long and takes about 4-5 days to complete.

Can I go fishing in Karambar Lake?

Yes, Karambar Lake is home to several fish species, including trout, and you can go fishing in the lake.

What is the best time to visit Karambar Lake?

The best time to visit Karambar Lake is from June to September when the weather is pleasant and the snow has melted.

Are there accommodations available near Karambar Lake?

No, there are no accommodations available near Karambar Lake, and camping is the only option for staying overnight. However, there are several accommodations available in Gilgit, the closest city to Karambar Lake.

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